By: Boston Spaceships Appears on: Brown Submarine “Go For The Exit” is another great example of Boston Spaceships reworking a Robert Pollard tune from the Suitcase box set. There are no real guitar riffs to play in this song, it’s just a barrage of chords, so you’ll need to try to remember which ones go […]
Tag: Brown Submarine

Two Girl Area
By: Boston Spaceships Appears on: Brown Submarine “Two Girl Area” is played with just a few Floating Chord Shapes, making it a fun song to strum on guitar. There is a sprinkling of lead guitar in this song, but in this post I’ll just provide the chords so you can play the rhythm guitar. You […]

You Satisfy Me
By: Boston Spaceships Appears on: Brown Submarine If you’re a member of the GUIDED BY VOICES Facebook fan group, you may have heard of the synchronized listening sessions that someone organized. Basically, it’s a bunch of people listening to an album at the same time and commenting about it in real time to a Facebook […]