By: Boston Spaceships Appears on: The Planets Are Blasted Having been a huge fan of this song since hearing it on Suitcase: Failed Experiments And Trashed Aircraft in 2000, I was beyond excited when Robert Pollard re-recorded “Dorothy’s A Planet” with Boston Spaceships. Needless to say, the final product well exceeded my expectations. I had […]
Tag: Boston Spaceships

Headache Revolution
By: Boston Spaceships Appears on: The Planets Are Blasted One of the great aspects of the Boston Spaceships project was that it gave us so many excellent re-workings of songs we already knew from Suitcase. The subject of today’s post, “Headache Revolution,” was first heard as a Robert Pollard demo on Suitcase 2: American Superdream […]

Canned Food Demon
By: Boston Spaceships Appears on: The Planets Are Blasted Whenever I sit down to transcribe a Boston Spaceships song, I like to check Chris Slusarenko’s notes that he wrote for the listening parties that were held in the GUIDED BY VOICES Facebook group way back in the summer of 2018. These notes offer some very […]

Red Bodies
By: Boston Spaceships Appears on: Let It Beard “Red Bodies” features a lot of different sections that involve power chord strumming, some arpeggio work, and even a guitar riff that was originally sung by Robert Pollard on his boom box demo for this song and then played on guitar by Chris Slusarenko when recorded for […]

Trick Of The Telekinetic Newlyweds
By: Boston Spaceships Appears on: Our Cubehouse Still Rocks There really aren’t many instances I can think of where Robert Pollard plays natural harmonics on guitar, but on “Trick Of The Telekinetic Newlyweds,” he wrote the main riff solely with them. For the chorus, there are just a few simple chords you’ll strum, and that’s […]

Make A Record For Lo-Life
By: Boston Spaceships Appears on: Let It Beard “Make A Record For Lo-Life” provides an excellent example of a frequent Robert Pollard technique: changing chords just ahead of the beat. It happens throughout this song, which you’ll see in the tablature when a chord changes right at the end of a measure. You need to […]

Fly Away (Terry Sez)
By: Boston Spaceships Appears on: Our Cubehouse Still Rocks “Fly Away (Terry Sez)” is straightforward rock done right. Robert Pollard includes a catchy melody and power chords to craft a perfect pop song that should have been a hit. Although most of the guitar is transcribed as tablature here, there are a few basic chords […]

Queen Of Stormy Weather
By: Boston Spaceships Appears on: The Planets Are Blasted If I could offer just one nugget of instruction for playing “Queen Of Stormy Weather” on guitar, it would be this: Strum furiously. All you’re doing in this song is strumming chords, and they just don’t have the same effect when played gently. You need to […]

Return To Your Ship
By: Boston Spaceships Appears on: Zero To 99 I think I would have really enjoyed being able to watch Chris Slusarenko working out the Boston Spaceships songs from Robert Pollard’s boombox demos. You can tell he really put a lot of time and effort into trying to emulate Pollard’s guitar playing style, and I think […]

The Town That’s After Me
By: Boston Spaceships Appears on: The Planets Are Blasted “The Town That’s After Me” is a fairly short song even by Robert Pollard’s standards, but it has a catchy melody, a fantastic ending hook, and it’s just a lot of fun to play on guitar. We’ll just be using some basic chords for this one, […]